
It's a nightmare, but it's true! Research shows that we are the actual aliens on Earth and the ruthless Xevions are the original inhabitants. Now the Xevions want Earth back - without humans! Their invasion forces are fierce - the land is swarming with deadly Domogram rovers; the sky is black with Toroid patrol fleets and Zoshi death squadrons. Our puny weapons offer no defense. Earth's only hope is our powerful new Solvalou fighter. Its pilot has a single mission: penetrate the enemy ranks and destroy the Xevious mothership. The mission is dangerous. We can't guarantee success. But right now it's a matter of life and death! One small problem. We need another pilot. Are there any volunteers?
The game starts with Solvalou fighters flying over the enemy territory of Xevious. You'll control the Solvalou with their anti-aircraft missiles and area bombs. Your objective is to destroy the enemy and continue your mission.