Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom

Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom

The year is 2673, four years after the Treaty of Torgo and the end of the Kilrathi War. As hostilities subsided, more trivial matters such as rebuilding what was lost or combating space piracy became the Terran Confederation's greatest concerns. Even Christopher "Maverick" Blair, the famous Confederate pilot responsible for ending the war, settled down and became a farmer. During these times of peace, people became fat and complacent. However, all good things come to an end. Soon, heinous incidents occurred in the outskirts of the Confederacy, bringing humanity to the brink of civil war. Confederation headquarters needed the best and decided to recall Colonel Blair to active duty. This is where you come in. Wing Commander 4 is one of the best space simulations of all time, some even consider it the best of all. It's one of those games that got everything right. It's one of the few games that manages to integrate a lot of video sequences into the storyline, mainly because it uses trained film actors and directors. The combat is straightforward, fluid and entertaining. The characters are as believable and memorable as they can be. The orchestrated music - just perfect. And finally, the compelling story is both deep and plausible - a combination often lost in modern games. There is simply no reason not to play this game, and once you start, you will hardly find a reason to stop.


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  • Krogahn
     95*** Hof
  • Stormrider68
     28*** Bremen
  • Bergschoff
     84*** Altdorf
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