

Set in Chicago, where a central computer network connects everyone and everything, Watch_Dogs explores the effects of technology on our society. Using the city as your weapon, you embark on a personal mission to bring your own brand of justice. Chicago's overarching network is known as the Central Operating System (ctOS) and controls nearly all of the city's technology and information - including the most important data on all of the city's residents.


You play Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker and former gangster whose criminal past led to a violent family tragedy. Seeking justice for these events, you monitor and hack the people around you by manipulating the ctOS from the palm of your hand. You access the ubiquitous security cameras, download personal information to locate a target, control traffic lights and public transportation to stop the enemy ... and much more.


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  • Zaebin
     10** София / Sofija
  • Akira32
     26**** Oldenburg
  • Black_Akuma
     12** Wien, Brigittenau
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