Watch Dogs: Legion

Watch Dogs: Legion

In Watch Dogs: Legion, the London of the near future is about to fall... Unless you do something about it. Build a resistance, fight back and give the city back to the people. It's time to rise up.


London has fallen into a technological nightmare, but you're smart enough to adapt. Gather the resistance to use the city's technology against the powers that be. Where will you find your army? How about everywhere? Every Londoner has a reason to fight back. You can take on the role of a bartender, an ex-spy, a graffiti artist, a fallen boxer, a well-connected lawyer or a wacky granny, it doesn't matter.


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  • ShaunKing007
     38*** Braunschweig
  • CraftMovies
     27*** Wildeshausen
  • SLATT361
     57*** Siegen
  • Black_Akuma
     12** Wien, Brigittenau
  • _joernii_
     01*** Dresden
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