Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety is a side-scrolling beat'em-up game whose characters and stories are taken from the Spider-Man comics. The story is loosely based on a miniseries of comics about Venom. In this game, the player can choose to control Spider-Man or his recurring enemy, Venom. As Spider-Man, you'll have to stop the Life Foundation, which has removed five symbiotes from Venom. They plan to combine them with their soldiers to create a dangerous army. Venom, who is recovering from his wounds, also realizes that he must destroy them. In the game, you'll be able to punch, kick, swing and perform combos on the streets, in the forests and in underground complexes to achieve your goal. During the game, the player can pick up superhero symbols. These symbols will help you by summoning some of Spiderman's greatest allies, such as Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye and Captain America.