The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge
The action game is based on Henry Selick's stop-motion film masterpiece. Players take on the role of Jack Skellington, the King of Halloween, and relive the adventures in Tim Burton's dark world. Following the events of Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, players take control of Jack Skellington as he sets out to find new ways to scare children on Halloween. When he returns home, he finds that Oogie Boogie has returned and Halloween Town is once again in danger. The game combines action, platforming and rhythm elements, as Jack must also fight musical battles to defeat certain bosses and progress through the story. Each fight is accompanied by a unique musical number that brings the dark charm of the movie soundtrack to life in a new and interactive way.
A year after the movie, Jack Skellington once again feels that Halloween has become boring and repetitive. He talks to Dr. Finkelstein to improve the next Halloween with new scares and discoveries. The doctor gives Jack the "soul snatcher", a green, whip-like weapon. He then sets off to search for new horrors; Jack remembers his lesson from earlier and searches solely in his world. The equally bored Lock, Shock and Barrel resurrects Oogie Boogie, who brainwashes Dr. Finkelstein into creating minions for him. Oogie also kidnaps five of the seven leaders of the vacation world. Oogie plans to become the "Seven Holiday King" once he takes control of Christmas Town. But on December 23, Sally manages to send a magical paper airplane to Jack to warn him of what has happened. Jack returns to Halloween Town on Christmas Eve, only to find Oogie's shadow. After defeating the shadow, he receives the Halloween Holiday Door and realizes that everyone has been tricked by Oogie into booby-trapping the town. Armed with the new "Soul Snatcher" weapon, Jack navigates through familiar and new environments, each filled with puzzles and enemies to defeat. Along the way, Jack can transform into different characters, such as the Pumpkin King and Santa Claus, to utilize unique abilities and fighting styles. Over the course of the game, players will meet various characters from the original film, such as Sally, Dr. Finkelstein and the mischievous trio Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
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