The Curse of Monkey Island
The Curse of Monkey Island is the third installment in the Monkey Island adventure game series. Players control Guybrush Threepwood, an aspiring pirate who is traveling the Caribbean to save his love Elaine from a curse that has turned her into a golden statue. The game features hand-drawn cartoon graphics, voice acting and the series' trademark humor and puzzle solving. Guybrush must outwit a cast of colorful characters, including ghost pirate LeChuck, as he explores various islands and participates in pirate-like challenges. Point-and-click controls allow players to interact with the environment, collect items and solve puzzles to progress through the story. With its mix of comedy, swashbuckling adventure and clever puzzles, The Curse of Monkey Island continues the series' tradition of telling funny and engaging stories in a pirate setting.
84*** Altdorf
07*** Gera
52*** Jülich
73*** Aalen
08*** Zwönitz