A video game adaptation of the animated film Taz-Mania, in which the Tasmanian Devil plays the leading role. One of several games based on the license. The Sega versions contain the same story, but have a unique design and a range of levels for the different platforms. Inspired by a story told by his father, Taz embarks on a quest to find the egg of a giant prehistoric seabird that will take him all over Taz-Mania in 16 levels of platforming action. He has to survive a desert, a jungle, a car factory, a mine and ancient ruins. Taz can run, jump and spin quickly to transform into his signature whirlwind. While spinning, he can take out most of the enemies he encounters. He can also pick up many different items and try to eat them or use them in other ways. Most foods replenish his health, while eating peppers gives him a fire breath attack. Stars give him temporary invulnerability, while bombs should be thrown at enemies (and must never be eaten!).
Taz, the Tasmanian devil, is hungry and on the prowl! But his hunting ground is full of treacherous obstacles to stop Taz! Help Taz beat up his enemies and overcome the obstacles. And remember: if you can't beat them, eat them.