Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia follows Jude Mathis, a clever medical student who attends school in the capital, and Milla Maxwell, a mysterious woman who is accompanied by four invisible beings. Players can choose Milla or Jude at the beginning of their adventure in the world of Rieze Maxia, where humans and spirits live together in harmony. The kingdom of Rashugal has been experimenting with a powerful device that drains the world of mana. Milla and Jude realize the damage it is doing to the world and set out on a journey to destroy it and bring the mana back into the world. Throughout the game, their lives will cross with a variety of characters that will teach them the strength of an unshakable conviction.
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12*** Berlin
99*** Nordhausen
21*** Hamburg Sinstorf
37** Klein-Meiseldorf
57*** Finnentrop
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