Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Phantasia is the first installment of the Tales series and was released by Namco for the Super Famicom in 1995. Tales of Phantasia was released in late 1995 and is considered one of the crowning successes of its time. It has graphics that push the console to its limits, an original, unprecedented combat system and real voices and voice actors. It is also the first and only Super Famicom game that has a completely original, sung theme song that appears directly in the game.
Tales of Phantasia starts with a heroic battle between four unknown warriors against an evil sorcerer, Dhaos, whose outcome changes the fate of the world. The warriors are victorious, but Dhaos escapes through time. But four other heroes are waiting for him: they seal the weakened Dhaos with the power of two followers, bringing peace back to the world.
12*** Berlin