SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising

SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising

Synthetik: Legion Rising is a merciless shooter set in a world overrun by machines. Fight your way from floor to floor, defeating an array of robots with powerful weapons, upgrades, and quick reflexes in this gun-heavy funfest!


In 1985, after many years of slavery, the AI servants of the Kaida Corporation, the world leader in robotics, have formed the "Machine Legion" and set out to destroy humanity. Awakening in the Kaida Corp. headquarters, you are the human consciousness of a forgotten android prototype; the last straw keeping the Legion from unleashing the heart of Armageddon. Only you can fight your way through the levels of the Kaida HQ, defeat the battalions of enemies within, and put an end to the madness.


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  • terranaut
     28*** Bremen
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