Star Wars: Republic Commando

Chaos has broken out across the galaxy. As the leader of an elite squad of Republic commandos, it's your job to infiltrate, dominate and ultimately destroy the enemy. Your squad follows your orders and leadership, working together as a team - instinctively, intelligently, instantly. You are their leader. They are your weapon. Star Wars: Republic Commando is a tactical first-person shooter video game set in the Star Wars universe. It was developed by LucasArts using the Unreal Engine and released in 2005 for the Xbox and Microsoft Windows. The game offers both a single-player and a multiplayer mode. In the story, set in the Star Wars Legends extended universe, players take on the role of RC-1138 ("Boss"), an elite clone soldier also known as "Clone Squad", and the leader of the special unit Delta Squad, which consists of three other clone squads with different personalities and traits: RC-1262 ("Scorch"), RC-1140 ("Fixer") and RC-1207 ("Sev"). The story follows Delta Squad as they complete increasingly difficult missions during the Clone Wars and learn to stick together as a team. Republic Commando received generally positive reviews upon release. Many critics praised the story and combat, but criticized the short game length and average multiplayer. In the years since its release, it has been considered one of the best Star Wars games of all time and has achieved a cult status. An improved port of the game from Aspyr is scheduled for release on April 6, 2021 for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. GameSpot's Jordan Ramée reports, "Developed by Aspyr Media, Star Wars: Republic Commando Remastered brings the original 2005 Xbox and PC game to PS4 and Switch with improved HD graphics and modernized controls. Otherwise, it's the same game. Though the gameplay weaknesses are more apparent 16 years later, this remaster still offers a compelling story about four specialized commandos engaging in a variety of combat missions during the Clone Wars."
After a montage briefly describing the Delta Squad's origins, early life and training at the clone facilities on Kamino, the game begins with the team deploying to the front lines of the Battle of Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars. There, team leader Delta-38 ("Boss," the player character) meets teammates 62, 40 and 07 ("Scorch," "Fixer" and "Sev") as they receive their first assignment: To assassinate Sun Fac, the top lieutenant of the Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser, one of the members of the Separatist Council. After achieving their goal, they sabotage the droid factory under Sun Fac's headquarters, disable an anti-aircraft bunker attacking Republic air forces, and sneak onto a disabled Separatist Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class core ship to steal vital launch codes designed to prevent the Separatist fleet from retreating, escaping just before the ship is destroyed. A year after the war, Delta Squad, now retired, is sent to investigate the abandoned Republic Acclamator-class (RAS) Prosecutor attack ship, their former home before they were put on active duty. Delta Squad splits up and quickly loses contact with command as they board the ship. Making their way inside the ship, they find the Prosecutor seemingly abandoned and neglected. The group loses contact with Scorch, who reports an electrical malfunction with his visor, and Boss is soon ambushed by scavenger droids. Boss makes his way to one of the ship's datacores to meet with Sev, but is suddenly attacked and captured by a Trandoshan who is part of a large group of slavers and mercenaries who have taken over the ship. After escaping capture, Boss and Fixer meet but are soon attacked by battle droids deployed by the Trandoshans. After rescuing their captured members, they recapture the ship's bridge and destroy a jammer that restores communications with command. It becomes clear that the Trandoshans intend to sell the ship to the Separatists in exchange for battle droids. Retreating to the hangars, Delta Squad destroys the Trandoshan dropship. Immediately after, a Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship emerges from hyperspace. While Republic reinforcements are en route, Delta Squad defends the ship against hordes of battle droids. After successfully repelling the incoming droids, the enemy battleship opens fire on the Prosecutor. Delta Squad fights its way to the gunner's deck to activate the ship's turbolasers and defend itself. The timely arrival of a second Republic ship, the RAS Arrestor, buys the squad enough time to activate the turbolasers and destroy the Separatist battleship, taking out all remaining battle droids on board.
38*** Braunschweig
50** Tilburg
23*** Lübeck
50*** Köln
29*** Bergen
63*** Obertshausen