Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

The Definitive Edition of the critically acclaimed, award-winning open-world action adventure, remastered, rebuilt and remastered for the new generation. With all the DLC available to date and a wealth of technical and visual enhancements, Hong Kong has never felt so alive. Hong Kong is a vibrant, neon city full of life. Behind the exotic locales, bustling streets and markets lies one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal organizations in the world: the infamous Triads. You take on the role of Wei Shen - a highly skilled undercover police officer who is trying to take down the Triads from the inside. You'll have to prove yourself worthy as you fight your way up in the organization and participate in brutal criminal activities without blowing your cover. Destroy your opponents in brutal hand-to-hand combat with an unmatched martial arts system. Rule the bustling streets of Hong Kong in thrilling illegal street races and mix it up in explosive gunplay action. The Hong Kong of Sleeping Dogs is the ultimate playground.


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  • EndeDerEwigkeit
     99*** Erfurt
  • JohnyDaison
     60**** Veveří
  • Zordrak
     69*** Dielheim
  • Voodoki
     26*** Uplengen
  • Zaebin
     10** София / Sofija
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