Sky: Children of the Light

Sky: Children of the Light

"Embark on an unforgettable social adventure and an ever-expanding world. Sky: Children of Light is a heart-warming and beautifully animated social adventure that you can play together with your loved ones. Set in a wonderland above the clouds, Sky invites you and your friends to fly up to explore its hidden secrets together and rebuild a fallen kingdom for its ancient inhabitants. With courage and compassion, players must band together as a community to share and grow their flame and bring the light back to the world."


In Sky, players explore a once-thriving kingdom with a cloak that gives them the ability to fly. The game world consists of seven unique realms, each with a different theme that represents a stage of life, and a variety of areas to explore. There is also a home, a small island that serves as the center of the world and the starting point when opening the game. Throughout the world, players will encounter "ghosts" with whom they can unlock items in exchange for in-game currency, and "children of light" who give players "winged light." When a player collects enough winged light, the level of their cape increases, increasing the cape's maximum energy and allowing the player to fly further.