Siege of Avalon

Siege of Avalon

Siege of Avalon is a traditional fantasy RPG with an isometric view. The setting is an imaginary land that has been destroyed by war and it is up to you to defeat the evil warrior Mithras, who seeks to conquer the entire land. Only the fortress of Avalon opposes his evil intentions. The game is mainly action-oriented, there are many NPCs and there are action-based battles. It does not follow a specific RPG rulebook; characters level up when they have gained enough experience by defeating enemies. Class restrictions are rather low, i.e. a fighter can learn spells and master magic etc. This game is described as an "episodic computer game novel". It is divided into six chapters. The first can be downloaded for free, the others must be purchased to complete the story. The second chapter picks up where the first chapter ended, while the third, fourth and fifth chapters are a kind of add-on to the main story. The sixth chapter is dedicated to the final battle against evil.