Rygar: The Legendary Adventure
This is a 3D-based sequel to Rygar, a Tecmo title that was successful in the arcades and on many home systems. In the land of Argos, Princess Harmonia is kidnapped by the Titans, led by the ancient gods Cleopatra and a winged demon named Aristotle, to free the evil spirit of Cronus. A young gladiator-in-training named Rygar hears her cries for help and rushes to her aid. Armed with a legendary device called the Discarmor, Rygar explores the land of Argos, destroying enemies and powerful demons while finding items and information that will help him in his quest to find Princess Harmonia. Once Rygar charges up his Discarmor, it's up to him to stop Cleopatra and Aristotle and save the princess and all of Argos from evil.