Overlord is an action role-playing game set in an alternative world, in which the player takes on the role of a resurrected warrior called "The Overlord", who has control over hordes of gremlin-like creatures known as "Minions". The player must defeat seven corrupt ruling heroes to reclaim the lands and establish his rule over the inhabitants. The game features a corruption feature, similar to the Fable games, that allows the player to "be evil.... or truly evil," with certain actions and decisions affecting various aspects of the story and gameplay. While the Overlord is controlled in a third-person perspective, the way the servants are controlled brings elements of real-time strategy and upgrades from role-playing games. The game makes use of black humor and is a satirical parody of the traditional fantasy setting and storyline
You are awakened, your slaves are ready to die for you and the villages will constantly hear your name, you have the power to conquer everything, you have the power to be the strongest warrior, you are Overlord! From the depths of the underworld your power will rise, or it will come from the sky... Choose whether you will be good or evil, sane or mad, the hero or the anti-hero. You must carve your own path to glory, but you are weak, you wake up with only a few powers and can easily be killed in battle with some people, but you have slaves, you have minions! They will help you, die for you, fight for you and even commit suicide to make you stronger. Not because you created them with the poor souls you took along the way, but because they know you will be the most powerful Overlord. This incredible adventure awaits you!
30*** Burgwedel
60** Vill