Overclocked: A History of Violence
Set against the backdrop of a catastrophic thunderstorm raging over New York City, Overclocked explores an archetypal but current condition of humanity: violence. This psychological thriller mixes frightening fictional thriller elements with innovative narrative structures. Overclocked charts the diffuse realms where memories and illusions, dreams and reality, perpetrators and victims collide. Military psychiatrist David McNamara is called to Staten Island Forensic Hospital in New York City to consult on a case that requires his expertise in forensic psychiatry. When he is assigned to investigate the psyches of five young men and women who have been found terrified, screaming and without memories, he makes alarming discoveries. As the game progresses, players switch between six different characters in this creepy interactive psychological thriller.
The game begins when five college-aged teenagers with amnesia suddenly turn up with guns in the middle of New York City. DC psychiatrist David McNamara is sent to investigate the case, having previously dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder in the US Army. The case seems strange from the start. On the very first day, David realizes that all five patients have the same origin and escaped from the same unknown person from a remote military island. When the story is uncovered, David uses a PDA as a tape recorder to make his way through the teenagers' minds and piece together their story, all the while coping with his ongoing divorce. David himself has serious anger management issues that ended his previous relationship. In the end, it turns out that the teens were part of a military experiment to create amnesiac assassins, and David's anger issues were just a side effect of the earlier project in the army.