In Nioh, players traverse war-torn Japan in the role of William, a blond-haired swordsman whose experience as a tough warrior and knowledge of the blade allow him to survive in the demon-ridden land of the samurai. Known as Yokai, these demons inhabit a number of dangerous places and lurk in the shadows to attack unsuspecting victims. Players also face off against other samurai in supernatural swordfights and intense multitarget battles that have a difficulty level that will test the skills, patience and strategy of even the toughest samurai. Nioh offers strategic swordplay action, a deep and original story set in the time of the Japanese Warring States, and challenges players in such a way that every mission and success is worthwhile.
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39*** Magdeburg
60*** Frankfurt am Main
78*** Tuttlingen
89*** Giengen an der Brenz
33*** Bad Lippspringe
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