Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is the sequel to the spy action game Metal Gear Solid. The protagonist has to sneak past the guards, outsmart them with various gadgets and defeat the tricky boss opponents. The game has expanded the cover mechanics of its predecessor: Solid Snake or Raiden can take cover behind walls or objects and jump out to shoot enemies, while the improved enemy AI allows enemies to take cover from the player as well. Metal Gear Solid 2 is considered one of the greatest video games of all time and a prime example of artistic expression in video games.


Two years after the events of the Shadow Moses Incident, Solid Snake and Otacon, working as Philanthropy, receive information about a new type of Metal Gear being transported through the Hudson River. When Snake boards the tanker, it is hijacked by a group of Russian mercenaries led by Revolver Ocelot, who want to steal the new Metal Gear. The year is 2009: the player takes control of Raiden, a new agent working under the Colonel's command and apparently part of a reformed Foxhound unit. His first task is to infiltrate the Big Shell offshore clean-up facility and rescue the President of the United States of America, who has been kidnapped by members of a terrorist organization called the Sons of Liberty. But things get more and more complicated as almost everyone Raiden communicates with seems to have something to hide, and it's hard to tell friend from foe...


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  • Lenka
     62**** Brno-Nový Lískovec
  • Shemnur
     13*** Berlin
  • salami_fee
     93*** Burglengenfeld
  • Chris87
     53*** Troisdorf
  • Tobias
     46*** Dinslaken
  • GamerFux
     76*** Kronau
  • Maikomat
     64*** Darmstadt
  • 3solidsnake4u
     11** Wien, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
  • daydreamer1987
     04*** Leipzig
  • Xanobis
     32*** Bünde
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