Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising was developed by Kojima Productions and PlatinumGames: Revengeance takes the famed Metal Gear series into exciting new territory with an all-new action experience. The game seamlessly fuses pure action with an epic story centered around Raiden - a child soldier turned half-human, half-cyborg ninja who uses his high-frequency katana blade to slice through anything in his path! Metal Gear Rising was a huge success on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3: Revengeance comes to PC with all the famous moves and action in a beautifully realized HD environment. This new PC version includes all three DLC missions: Blade Wolf, Jetstream, and VR missions, as well as all of Raiden's customized body upgrades, including: White Armor, Inferno Armor, Command Armor, Raiden's MGS4 body, and the popular Cyborg Ninja. The "CUTSCENES" option has been added to the main menu. With it you can play all cutscenes. Added the "CODECS" option to the main menu. Plays all and any codec conversation scenes. Added menu option in CHAPTER MENU that lets you play only the boss fights. Added "GRAPHIC OPTIONS" option to the OPTIONS menu. Change the resolution, anti-aliasing, etc. There is an option called "ZANGEKI" that lets you change the number of cuts.


Raiden is a cyborg armed with a high-frequency blade powerful enough to slice giant unmanned combat machines in two with a single cut. He is hired by PMSCs (Private Military and Security Companies) in a developing country for VIP protection, military training and other tasks, until he is confronted by a mysterious force that commands a multitude of cyborgs like him....


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  • Yoshwaelder
     74*** Güglingen
  • Hammerberti
     44*** Herne
  • salami_fee
     93*** Burglengenfeld
  • Maikomat
     64*** Darmstadt
  • Shemnur
     13*** Berlin
  • CSI
     59*** Arnsberg
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