Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus

Pegasus Magic is one of the three satellite admins from the MegaMan Star Force series. He is an AM-ian and one of the three wise sages of the planet AM.
He appears along with Dragon Sky and Leo Kingdom to test Geo Stelar to see if he deserves the star break when he plays the Pegasus version of MegaMan Star Force. After Mega Man defeats his shadow form, he is granted the star break, but it will only appear in times of greatest need. Pegasus reappears when Geo learns how to use the Star Break powers and defeats a Jammer. He reappears when Geo is attacked by a group of Jammers without Omega-Xis. He defeats the Jammers and encourages him to reunite with Omega-Xis, while also granting Geo a portion of his power - his GX Giga Card. He makes another appearance when Andromeda is defeated and asks Cepheus to help rebuild AM. Later, the real Pegasus can be fought in Deep Space to earn his battle cards.
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