Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter in which the player takes on the role of the titular character, Max Payne. A new feature of the series introduced in Max Payne 3 is the cover system, which lets players get a tactical advantage and avoid taking damage from enemies. In order to advance in the linear story, players fight against their enemies in the levels. The game features interactive cutscenes that seamlessly transition into the rest of the game; there are no loading screens between gameplay and cutscenes.


In the single-player mode, you'll take control of Max Payne, a former detective who has turned to vigilante justice after the murder of his wife and daughter. Nine years after the events of the second game, Max is hired as a private security guard in Brazil, but quickly gets involved in an adventure full of death and betrayal.


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  • Armitage101
     99*** Erfurt
  • tamer3009q
     11*** Kairo
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