Little Busters!
Little Busters! is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key. The story follows the life of Riki Naoe, a high school student who has been a member of a group of friends called Little Busters since childhood. Riki brings several girls at his school to join the Little Busters in order to have enough people to play a baseball game. The game is released in Japan for all ages, but there is also a version with adult content called Little Busters! Ecstasy is also available.
Riki was just a child when his parents died, leaving him hopeless and depressed. What saved him was a group of four children who called themselves the Little Busters. They took Riki and played with him when he was in need. He enjoyed being with them, and his sadness gradually faded. Now, in his second year of high school, they still hang out together, fight and live together, and enjoy their school life. Little Busters! includes several mini-games, including a baseball training game and a duel combat system.