Kanon is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key that tells the life of Yuichi Aizawa. The high school student returns to a town he last visited seven years earlier and can barely remember the events of that time. He meets several girls and slowly regains his lost memories.
Yuichi Aizawa is a second-year high school student who visits the town where the story is set seven years before the beginning of Kanon. The story begins on Wednesday, January 6, 1999, when Yuichi arrives in the town and feels very distant from it and its inhabitants. Before his return, it is decided that he should stay with his first cousin, Nayuki Minase, and her mother, Akiko. After his long absence, Yuichi has forgotten almost everything that happened seven years earlier, except for small details, and needs to be reminded of what he left behind. Nayuki keeps trying to help him at first, but she is unsuccessful. As the story progresses, Yuichi is repeatedly reminded of the events of seven years ago as he learns about the supernatural aspects of the city.