Juka and the Monophonic Menace
Set in the world of Obla, Juka and the Monophonic Menace follows the journey of Juka, a young alchemist who sets out to save his village from the evil Monophonic Menace. Players guide Juka and his assistant Bufo through six different environments as they search for items, solve puzzles and defeat the Monophonic Menace's minions. Juka can shimmy, swim, jump and climb his way through the detailed environments. In addition, players can improve Juka's abilities by completing tasks and collecting various items. Another special feature of the game is the alchemy ability. By collecting the six different elemental ingredients, players can mix and make their own items and potions to use in the game. This is the only way to obtain many of the more powerful potions. Combat is also unique to JUKA. Instead of fighting or using magic, players must quickly fulfill a series of patterns. The faster and more accurately the patterns are matched, the more damage the opponent suffers. Juka and the Monophonic Menace takes many concepts that RPG and action/adventure gamers love and combines them with an innovative combat system and a unique story to create a game full of fun, challenge, and excitement.