Jade Cocoon 2

Jade Cocoon 2 is a combination of monster breeding and RPG elements and expands Genki's original title in many ways. The gameplay is a familiar mix of storytelling and monster farming that has been significantly improved. The town is your base of operations. Here you can stock up on supplies or take on jobs to earn money and gain a reputation. The latter is important because it is directly related to the number of monsters you can use in battle. If you successfully complete certain trials, you can command more beasts - up to a maximum of 12 at a time. These trials take place in the arena, which is also where the beast hunter battles take place, where you can test your mettle against other beast hunters. Monster eggs are found on your travels and can be hatched in the Room of Life, an all-encompassing monster management room that provides detailed information about the beasts and allows you to fuse them to create hybrid creatures. The monsters now also evolve over time. Your amulet consists of 12 slots, three for each of the four elements. Your creatures are placed on the amulet in positions that correspond to their position in battle. During battle, they attack the enemy and defend you from damage. Their position on the amulet also determines the effectiveness of their elemental powers. The story begins 100 years after the original adventure, when the Cocoon Masters became the stuff of myth and legend. The beast hunters are the modern equivalent, and the players take on the role of Kahu, a budding beast hunter. A chance encounter leads to Kahu being cursed and he, along with a fairy named Nico, must free his body from the curse or die. Levant (the protagonist of the original title) is now a guardian and acts as your guide.