Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale

Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale

Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale is a 2D fighting game featuring characters from Rumiko Takahashi's manga and anime series Inuyasha. The story revolves around 15-year-old schoolgirl Kagome Higure, who is accidentally transported back in time to feudal Japan, where she embarks on a quest to find the shards of the Sacred Jewel of the Four Souls. "Feudal Fairy Tale", the game's main mode, follows this escapade and challenges players to take on a series of battles and mini-games to obtain the coveted shards. Initially, only Kagome and her half-demon companion Inuyasha are playable, but as players travel through the game and collect shards, more characters become available. Each character can perform both strong and weak attacks, as well as throws and counterattacks. Players can also perform more powerful combination maneuvers, including special and super attacks that can only be performed when the spirit gauge is full. In addition, certain attacks can cause opponents to drop shards which, when claimed, will fill the spirit gauge faster.