In Other Waters

In Other Waters

Set in a future where humanity's incessant consumption has spread to the stars and the last biological life on Earth clings to a poisoned planet, In Other Waters tells the story of Ellery Vas, a biologist who encounters extraterrestrial life. When a routine study of an exoplanet goes awry and her partner Minae Nomura disappears into an alien ocean, Ellery has little more than an antiquated diving suit and a strange AI to guide her. Together they will track down Nomura and discover impossible lives, traveling this strange ocean and unearthing secrets that should be lost forever beneath these turquoise waves.


"Earth's oceans are dead. Huge toxic swaths of open water, punctuated only by "reserves" of mutant fish and fat phytoplankton farms, remind us of what we have lost. By "we" I mean those of us too poor to find a place on one of hundreds of star colonies where exoplanets are plundered for resources to satisfy the desires of the richest humans who have ever lived. But there is life - I have seen it. Life beyond our fragile frame. I will show it to you. - Minae Nomura | Notebook xvii"