Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is a cinematic psychological thriller from game developer Quantic Dream, exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The game deals with a number of adult themes and revolves around an elaborate storyline and strong narrative threads that explore a complex moral statement. You'll take on the role of several characters with very different backgrounds, motivations and abilities in a world where every decision the player makes has an impact on what will follow.


The game centers around four different characters: Ethan Mars, a father and main protagonist; Scott Shelby, a private detective; Norman Jayden, an FBI agent and, finally, Madison Paige, a photojournalist. They are very different characters and don't know each other at the beginning of the game, but are related to each other in that they all have an interest in the game's main antagonist, the Origami Killer.


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  • Splishsplash
     11**** Stockholm
  • 3solidsnake4u
     11** Wien, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
  • Andy_Awardian
     35*** Linden
  • Sigruna
     12** Wien, Donaustadt
  • Akira32
     26**** Oldenburg
  • Xanobis
     32*** Bünde
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