

Haze is a first-person shooter video game developed by Free Radical Design and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 3. It was released worldwide in May 2008. The release for Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows was canceled. The game is set in a dystopian future where the Mantel Corporation rules the world with a drug called Nova-Keto-Thyrazine - also called Nectar, a "nutritional supplement" that enables soldiers to fight harder and smarter, but also produces a hallucinogenic effect in which soldiers no longer perceive the real battlefield around them and instead see an idyllic, pain-free environment. The game takes place over a period of three days, while Mantel fights against a group of rebels known as "The Promise Hand", led by Gabriel "Skin Coat" Merino. The player takes on the role of Shane Carpenter, a 25-year-old soldier from Mantel. After Carpenter observes the effects of the Nectar on his comrades, Shane goes rogue and allies with the Promise Hand to fight Mantel.