Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Natsume's farm simulation series makes its debut on PlayStation with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. With a few rudimentary tools and very little money, you begin the arduous task of reviving your grandfather's farm to take your place as the rightful heir. Players have three years to achieve this goal. A year consists of four seasons, each of which lasts 30 days. In each season, different crops can be grown, but before the seeds can be planted, the land must be cleared and the soil tilled. The seeds also need to be watered until the fruit or vegetable is ripe. Once the plants are ready to harvest, they can be placed in a shipping box where they are picked up and paid for. In addition to farming, players interact with villagers and participate in seasonal events such as the Tomato Festival and Fireworks. As you earn more money, you can expand your farm and raise livestock like chickens and cows.


As a young boy, the main character spent the summer on his grandfather's farm. His grandfather was too busy with the farm to spend much time with him, so the boy explored the town and countryside on his own. The boy made friends with his grandfather's puppy and met a little girl his age, with whom he became close friends. When the summer was over, the boy had to go home again, but he promised the little girl that he would come back one day. Ten years later, years after the death of his grandfather, the boy - now a grown man - returns to the town to take over the farm. When he meets the main character, the mayor and the other villagers decide that he can remain as the rightful owner if he restores the farm to its original state within three years. Otherwise he would have to leave.


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  • Hammerberti
     44*** Herne
  • Kanullis
     06*** Halle
  • Tisroc104
     31*** Steyerberg
  • Fips1710
     06*** Halle
  • Hanazaki
     68*** Hockenheim
  • EizZ
     63*** Hanau
  • Akira32
     26**** Oldenburg
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