Gremlins, Inc.

Gremlins, Inc.

Gremlins, Inc. is an intense strategy board game set in a steampunk world full of corrupt capitalist gremlins competing for money, political power and prestige. Steal resources, extort bribes, rig elections, arrest other players and send them bad luck telegrams.... Unleash your inner Gremlin!


You think that's just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that's a little late because you keep forgetting to wind it? No, no and no - you couldn't be further from the truth! What you're carrying around with you is an entire Gremlin City stuck in that tiny mechanism: a city with its own bank, its own casino ... and even its own prison! Gremlins are microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism they can get into. If a clock or telescope isn't working properly, it's probably because Gremlins have nested there. More than anything else in life, Gremlins value money, political power, and prestige: prestige that can be gained by completing a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, Gremlins usually spend their time trying to prevent other Gremlins from building something even grander. They accomplish this by bribing officials, lying to constituents, and stealing from their competitors - or even arresting them.