A magical illustrated encyclopedia called Aquaticus has been corrupted by a vial of evil ink called Influence. As a pool of water that can alternately take the form of ice and steam, you must overcome obstacles scattered throughout the pages of Aquaticus and save it from the corrupting Influence. Tilt and rotate your Wii Remote to take advantage of the different shapes and properties of water on your free-flowing journey through Aquaticus, where each page has multiple panels and illustrations that come to life. Solve problems and defeat enemies to unlock magical rainbow drops that give Aquaticus back some of his power, allowing him to open more chapters and give you new powers. These additional powers, such as sticking to objects as a block of ice or shooting lightning as a cloud of steam, are important to destroy the influence and its minions. Along the way, you'll also be able to put your ingenuity and reflexes to the test by finding hidden puzzle pieces. These pieces will unlock game spaces in which you'll be able to use the skills you've learned and overcome as many challenges as possible in a race against time. These challenges won't affect your quest to restore Aquaticus' powers, but everyone needs a break now and then, right? Fluidity offers you the chance to slosh and slide your way through an imaginative environment full of challenging adventures. Are you ready to dive into this unique experience?