Final Fight

Final Fight

Final Fight is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up developed by Capcom. Final Fight can be played by up to two players simultaneously. Before the game starts, the player chooses between the three main characters: Haggar, Cody and Guy. Each has his own fighting style and characteristics. Health indicators are displayed for both the player and the opposing characters. Final Fight's controls consist of an eight-way joystick and two buttons for attacking and jumping, respectively. If you press the attack button repeatedly when attacking one or more opponents, the character will perform a combo. The last strike of the combo can be converted into a throw if the player moves the joystick in the opposite direction just before landing. The player can also perform a jump attack. If you press the attack and jump buttons at the same time, you can perform a special attack that hits all enemies in the area, but also consumes a small amount of the player's health. Enemies can be grabbed by simply running into them. Once an enemy has been grabbed, the player can perform a grapple attack by pressing the attack button, or perform a throw by tilting the joystick left or right. A thrown enemy can be thrown at another to deal additional damage. Items such as weapons, health restoration items, and items that give extra points can be picked up by standing over them and pressing the attack button. Weapons have limited use and disappear if the player is disarmed too many times by an enemy or if he/she moves to a new area. Final Fight consists of six phases or "rounds" plus two bonus rounds. Each round takes place in a different part of Metro City, such as the slums or the subway, with most rounds involving more than one level. At the end of each round, the player faces off against a boss that only occurs in that round.


Set in the fictional city of Metro City, the player controls one of three characters - former professional wrestler and newly elected mayor Mike Haggar, his daughter's boyfriend Cody, and Cody's best friend Guy - who set out to defeat the Mad Gear gang and rescue Haggar's young daughter Jessica.


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  • Lilico1988
     20*** Villasanta
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