Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII is a role-playing game set in a post-modern steampunk world where technology and fantasy elements coexist. Players control Cloud Strife, a former soldier who joins the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE to confront Shinra Inc, a corporation that drains the planet's life energy. The game features turn-based combat with an active time element, a customizable materia system for abilities and unique Limit Break attacks for each character. Players explore 3D environments, take part in various mini-games and uncover a complex storyline involving Cloud's mysterious past and a powerful threat to the world. As the story progresses, players will gain access to different vehicles to explore new areas and uncover additional content.


Final Fantasy VII tells the story of the mercenary Cloud Strife, who is hired by the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE, led by Barret Wallace, to fight the megacorporation Shinra Electric Power Company, which tries to siphon off the planet's lifeblood as an energy source to increase its profits. Cloud initially fights only for his personal gain and for the promise he made to his childhood friend, Tifa Lockhart. Eventually, Cloud joins forces with many others to save the planet, which is threatened by Shinra and Cloud's archenemy Sephiroth, and discovers a reason to fight for a cause other than his own.


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  • HiDd3x
     02*** Neschwitz
  • Kalyndra
     41*** Grevenbroich
  • DeftOne
     93** Steinach
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