Final Fantasy Legend III
Millennia ago, a fierce battle was fought for control of an idyllic world called Reinland. After many battles, the brave warriors of Reinland were sealed off in their own dimension, far away from the rest of the universe. This was done with the help of the Talon, a powerful spaceship that can travel through both time and space. Centuries have passed and the would-be masters of Reinland have managed to cause a rift in the galaxy, sending the water entity of Reinland to devour everything in its path. You'll have to travel through the past, the present and the future to find the 13 parts of the now divided Talon. Only then can you save the universe from total destruction.
A creature known as the Pure Land Water Entity has engulfed the world in a great flood. The entity has drawn monsters onto the land and low-lying cities have been abandoned. As a group of four warriors set out to confront the entity, several youths from the future arrive to help, and it becomes clear that the entity's destruction is also taking place in the past and the future. The group then gathers parts of the Talon ship in the past, present and future to defeat the entity.
63*** Hanau