Fate/Samurai Remnant
Throughout the Fate series, pairs of masters and heroic spirits - also called servants - have fought in a series of Grail Wars throughout history, with the winning duo receiving an ancient artifact that grants wishes. Fate/Samurai Remnant continues the series' epic Grail War in the fourth year of the Keian era in Edo period Japan. Several decades have passed since the end of a turbulent, bloody era, and while people are finally enjoying peace and tranquility, a battle between seven pairs of masters and servants is about to take place as the "Waxing Moon Ritual" unfolds in the shadows. Here, the game's hero, Miyamoto Iori, a young man in Asakusa, finds himself in thrall with his servant Saber as they fight to be the last remaining pair to obtain the wish granter, the "Waxing Moon Vessel".