Fatal Fury
In this 1991 title, one of the longest-running series in the fighting game genre, players got to know Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi. Choose one of the three and visit many locations where your chosen fighter will fight numerous street battles in the fictional city of South Town. Finally, if you are good enough, you'll confront Billy Kane and his boss, the notorious crime baron Geese Howard.
The plot of Fatal Fury revolves around a martial arts tournament known as the King of Fighters tournament, which takes place in the fictional American town of South Town and is sponsored by the local crime boss Geese Howard. Ten years before the events of the game, Geese murdered a rival martial artist named Jeff Bogard who was on his trail. Now Jeff's adopted sons Terry Bogard and Andy Bogard, along with their friend Joe Higashi, enter the tournament to exact revenge on Geese.