Eternal Card Game

Eternal Card Game

Eternal is a free-to-play online trading card video game developed and published by Dire Wolf Digital. Eternal is currently available for iPhone and iPad iOS devices on the App Store, for PCs via Steam, and for Android devices via Google Play. It is also available for Xbox and Nintendo Switch. The game can be played cross-platform, allowing players to compete on all supported platforms. The game is a turn-based card game between two opponents using constructed decks with a different number of cards. Players use their power cards to cast spells, use essays, or summon units to attack the opponent with the goal of reducing the opponent's life points to zero. By winning matches and completing quests you'll get game gold, rewards in the form of new cards or packs and other prizes in the game. Players can then use gold or microtransactions to buy card packs or access card drafting modes to collect cards for their decks. The game features multiple game modes, including ranked play and single-player campaigns. New content for the game includes new card sets and gameplay, either in the form of expansion packs or campaigns that reward players with collectible cards.


The Eternal Throne: Eternal is the story of the struggle for the Eternal Throne of Myria, left vacant by the disappearance of King Caiphus. The throne itself has magical properties, as described in the epilogue of The Empty Throne campaign, but the extent and nature of its abilities are currently unclear. Descendants: The Scions from left to right: Kaleb, Eilyn, Rolant, Vara and Talir King Caiphus is dead. Those who have the greatest claim to the vacant Eternal Throne are the five "Scions" in Eternal - powerful characters who could claim the Eternal Throne for themselves, but who also have their own plans. Rolant is the commander of the Crown Guard, the acting regent of Argenport in the absence of an official ruler and Caiphus' uncle. He tries to maintain order with his army, which triggers a civil war in the city. Eilyn is a powerful shaman of the barbarian tribes who nearly destroyed Argenport before a truce was reached, culminating in her marriage to King Caiphus. Caleb is a headstrong warrior with little interest in politics, whose status as Caiphus' illegitimate son with an unknown mother has weakened his claim to the throne. Vara, as Caiphus' daughter, is the favored heir to the Eternal Throne, but is tired of being a political pawn of others and explores the Shadowlands for her own ends. Talir is one of the most gifted magic users in Myria. She is the sister of Caiphus and the Archmagister of the Praxis Arcanum. Other Characters: Caiphus is the former holder of the Eternal Throne. Each of the Scions is defined by their relationship to him. Jekk, the bounty hunter, is the protagonist and narrator of the opening movie and the Jekk's Bounty campaign. Icaria was the first Valkyrie and her captain, but turned against Rolant and led a rebellion against his rule. Azindel overthrew Caiphus, who broke the seal of the Eternal Throne. Azindel guided Vara through the Shadowlands and gave her a magical amulet that erased her memories. The Strangers are an army of men whose faces are marked with a glowing purple symbol created by Azindel. Horus Traver is a simple farmer's son who becomes embroiled in the battle for the Eternal Throne.