Several years after Jax defeated the Hybrid, a new threat comes from the sky, unleashing the dangerous forces of the dark Elex and endangering all life on the planet. To defend the peace on Magalan and the safety of his own family, Jax must go on a mission to convince the factions to unite against the invaders. Immerse yourself in a huge, hand-crafted, completely unique world with multiple factions and diverse environments in a post-apocalyptic science fantasy universe. Explore the vast world of Magalan with your jetpack and play the epic story the way you want.
Several years after Jax defeated the Hybrid, a new threat comes from the sky, unleashing the dangerous forces of the dark Elex and endangering all life on the planet. To defend the peace on Magalan and the safety of his own family, Jax must go on a mission to convince the factions to unite against the invaders. Immerse yourself in a huge, hand-crafted, completely unique world with multiple factions and diverse environments in a post-apocalyptic science fantasy universe. Explore the vast world of Magalan with your jetpack and play the epic story the way you want.
30*** Hannover
97*** Schweinfurt
58*** Witten
91*** Ansbach
79*** Lauchringen