Detective Yokoda, murdered by criminals, is found by Professor Tani and brought to his laboratory. There, Tani conducts an experiment that has already failed seven times. Yokoda is the last test subject whose life force is transferred into an android body. For the first time, the experiment is successful. Yokoda is reborn as the armored android 8 Man, who can reach impossible speeds and transform into other humans. He transforms himself into Yokoda, this time calling himself "Hachiro Azuma." He keeps this identity a secret and only knows it to Tani and his police chief Tanaka. Even his girlfriend Sachiko and his friend Ichiro do not know that he is an android. As an 8-Man, Hachiro fights crime (and even brings his killers to justice). To regenerate his powers, he smokes "energy" cigarettes, which he carries in a cigarette case on his belt.