Earth and Beyond
After two centuries of conflict, the three races of humanity - the Progen, the Terrans, and the Jenquai - had achieved an uneasy balance of power, dividing known space among themselves. The Terrans claimed Earth, the seat of their vast trading concerns. The genetically engineered Progen, bred to perfection, ruled the deserts of Mars. And the Jenquai, ever in search of knowledge, built great space stations that orbited the moons of Jupiter. Peace was shattered when the first stargate, an ancient artifact built by an unknown people, was discovered. The Jenquai wanted to keep its secrets to themselves and hid the gate from the other races. But their efforts were in vain: within a few months, a spy from the Terran conglomerate InfinitiCorp revealed the existence of the gate to the outraged Terrans and Progen. Humanity was suddenly thrust into a conflict, an epic struggle for control of the gate. The three races engaged in a devastating nine-year war called the Gate War, using weapons far more deadly than any previously conceived. Millions of people lost their lives and millions more would have perished had the Terrans not surprised their enemies with a sudden offer of a truce. After months of negotiations, the three civilizations agreed to share the gate and declared an uneasy peace. But InfinitiCorp had plans of its own. In utmost secrecy, its scientists had replicated the gate's technology, and within a few years, the powerful conglomerate announced the creation of Infinitigate to the astonished worlds. Fifty years have passed since the invention of Infinitigate. Progen, Jenquai, and Terrans alike have prospered and spread their civilizations across a dozen star systems to exploit their riches. But although the peoples live in peace, tensions still exist. Tension and mistrust define galactic relations, and every citizen dreads the day when the specter of war casts its shadow again.