Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
Join us on a wild ride through the best action animated series on TV, Dragonball Z. The story begins after Goku defeats Piccolo in the World Marital Arts Tournament and he visits Master Roshi, when suddenly his brother Raditz appears and kidnaps his son Gohan. After rescuing him, he is sent to the Otherworld to train with King Kai for two more powerful Saiyans that arrive a year later. This wild ride takes you from the Saiyan to the Cell Games saga. There are also several options in the game: there is a world tournament mode where you can buy new moves, and a practice mode where you can improve your skills before entering the story mode. You can also summon Shenron once you've collected all 7 Dragonballs. So buckle up, hold on to your seat, and enjoy the ride with Dragonball Z!