Demolition Racer

Demolition Racer

Demolition Racer is a racing game with a difference. In this game you not only have to try to win the race, but you also get points if you destroy the other racers' cars. The game has many different play styles, so you don't have to play the same style in every game. There are 5 game styles in the "Single Race" section of the game. This section does not count towards unlocking cars or tracks. It's for practicing and just plain fun. The most important style is Demolition. In Demolition, you race against other cars on the track and get points for hitting them, spinning them in circles or knocking them into the wall. You also get a big bonus if you land on a car and destroy it immediately. When you finish the race, your final position is determined by multiplying the points you got for hitting the other cars by the points you got for your finishing position. So if you finish first but have not hit anyone, you do not win the race.