Code Vein

Code Vein

Code Vein is set in a not-too-distant future, where a catastrophe has plunged the world into ruin and vampire-like creatures are fighting for supremacy.


In the not-too-distant future, a mysterious cataclysm has brought down the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless tombs of humanity's past, pierced by the thorns of judgment. At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. In this last stronghold, the few remaining struggle to survive, blessed with gifts of power in exchange for their memories and thirst for blood. If you give in to the thirst for blood, you risk becoming one of the lost, a fiendish ghoul who no longer possesses a shred of humanity. In search of blood, the Lost wander aimlessly, stopping at nothing to satisfy their hunger. Join forces and embark on a journey to the ends of hell to uncover your past and escape your nightmare in CODE VEIN.


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  • Arestius
     30*** Hannover
  • Ryuko
     73** Maienfeld
  • JohnZn
     63*** Dietzenbach
  • Cypher
     72*** Nagold
  • BenBa
     66*** Saarbrücken
  • JaniiChan94
     39*** Schlagenthin
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