Check vs. Mate

Check vs. Mate

Commanders, gather your armies! CHECK vs. MATE calls for an interactive duster that transports the successful chess game principle into today's multimedia world. Animated fantasy characters gather in magical worlds, waiting for your command! As the commander, you execute deft maneuvers on the board and catapult yourself straight into battle with devastating attacks, chess piece against chess piece. Following a 2012 intellectual property infringement lawsuit filed by Interplay Entertainment, "Battle Chess" vs. "Battle vs. Chess," the game and its DLCs/editions were renamed "Check vs. Mate" and released digitally in North America. Although the content is the same, the game received a second listing on Steam for the new title, as Battle vs Chess has Steam Trading Cards that are not linked to the NA title. This also caused the Steam keys for the game and its DLCs/edition to be different in the various online stores, which caused some problems at the time.