Buzz!: Master Quiz

With more than 5,000 questions on topics such as music, celebrities, television, sports, science, nature, movies and more, Buzz! PSP puts gamers' knowledge to the test at home or on the go. With six new rounds of gameplay designed specifically for the PSP, including the "Quickfire Challenge," the "Picture This" picture puzzle, and the amazing "Virus Challenge," each round is accompanied by pictures and videos. The focus of Buzz! has always been on social gaming, and the PSP version is no different, with three exciting multiplayer modes ideal for playing with friends and family. The game features three multiplayer modes that require either a PSP (for sharing) or a copy of the game (thanks to Game Share, users can give their friends a temporary copy of the game to play with up to four players). In Quiz Host mode, up to six players can compete against each other, with one player taking control of the game and selecting and asking the questions. The quiz master directs the entire game and can award (or deduct) points at his or her discretion. Not only does Buzz! PSP offer innovative multiplayer handheld quiz action, but it also has a more robust single-player mode than previous Buzz! games.