Burai Fighter
In a remote corner of the galaxy lives a race of super-brains known as the Burai. For thousands of years, their enormous mental abilities have been focused on one goal: the conquest of the universe! To achieve this goal, they create vast armies of Robo-Mutants - bizarre creatures that are half robot and half living flesh. With their seven production facilities producing thousands of Robo-Mutants every day, the Burai armies will soon overrun the entire galaxy - unless you can stop them! Strap on your proton pack, load up your laser cannon and get ready for battle against the deadliest mutant army in the universe. You must somehow infiltrate the seven Burai bases, where you'll encounter a super mutant guarding each base - monstrous creatures like the Giganticrab, Jawsipede and Fangskull - until you finally come face to face with the fearsome Slimedragon! But with the fantastic arsenal of weapons at your disposal, victory may still be within reach. It's up to you to rid the universe of the evil Burai once and for all!