Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday

Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday

The year is 2456, and Earth is now under NEO control, but the shadow of RAM is still present. Occasional attacks by the RAM military are dismissed as "acts of overanxious officers" and "unfortunate miscalculations." NEO is trying to rebuild the destroyed planet and gather the forces necessary to repel the RAM attack, which it believes is inevitable. "Buck Rogers!" The name is heard everywhere. "Buck Rogers and NEO win at Gauntlet - Vid at Eleven." The Video Network News, people talking on the streets of old Earth, even in the most remote asteroid outposts - Buck Rogers and NEO are everywhere. There is now a sense of hope. After years of domination, RAM is no longer in control of Old Earth, and NEO is finally able to stand up to the corporate giant. Real and over-the-top victories are boosting NEO's confidence every day. NEO's ranks are filling up with new recruits - young people who never felt they could make a difference before. Your team is built from these ranks. Each member has made their way to Chicagorg to join the war against RAM domination. Each has visions of great victories, glory and lasting fame - like Buck Rogers.... To play Countdown to Doomsday, you'll have to create characters and combine them into a team. The team must have a variety of talents and abilities to survive and eventually succeed.